Scanner classification and operation method

As a compact document scanner, the most outstanding feature of the DS-310 /360W is small! Small and flexible body, no space at all, DS-310 body size 288 × 88.5 × 51mm, weight 1.1kg, no It can be conveniently placed in the drawer of your desk when you use it. DS-360W body size 288 × 88.5 × 67mm, built-in battery, weight is only 1.3kg, you can easily put a briefcase when you go out, this article will introduce you to the classification and operation of the scanner.

The color of the scanner is usually a mixture of red, green and blue. Some scanners have three basic colors, which are separately adjusted for the adjustment function. Adjusting the saturation of these three primary colors can achieve a filter-like effect. Harmony of color adjustment can also make up for some shortcomings of the original film, and can also compensate for different printing processes. But increasing color saturation often makes skin tone look less natural.

Most scanners have color mapping, auto exposure, and three exposure adjustments for brightness and contrast. Some scanners also have highlights and shadows and highlight adjustments. These are all adjustments to the color map, which means re-mapping the brightness of a pixel and removing some of the brightness spectrum containing the secondary information to make some of the details in the picture more visible.

The book2net contactless book scanner offers 3 million scan cycles and few mechanical parts. For trouble-free operation in all parts with maximum reliability, the dual U-disk ports provide you with a double-safety piece that is highly protected and has a rugged construction that is perfectly suited for use in public spaces.

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