Fresh melon purifying heat quenches thirst quencher diuretic

Hot summer, watermelon can be said to be one of the delicacies of the cuisine. As the saying goes, a half a day in hot weather, the medicine does not need to be caught. The watermelon can play the role of clearing heat and relieve heat. Many people will throw away the skin when they eat watermelon. In fact, melon has a lot of medicinal value, then what are the effects of melon skin? How to eat it?

Watermelon skin, also known as watermelon Chui Yi, is sweet and cool. There are clearing heat, thirst and diuretic effect, there is anti-inflammatory blood pressure, reduce cholesterol deposition, soften and dilate blood vessels, and promote metabolism.

A variety of creative ways to eat watermelon rinds:

Stir fry watermelon rind: 350 grams of watermelon rind, sweet red pepper, chives, garlic, black pepper, salt, sugar, and oil. Cut the watermelon rind into thin slices, sprinkle with appropriate amount of salt and marinate for 15 minutes. Rinse the water to remove the salt and squeeze out the water. Add the appropriate amount of oil to the pan and pour it into the sweet red pepper and stir-fry the garlic for 2 minutes. Pour in water to drain. The watermelon rind continues to stir-fry for 3 minutes. Add some salt, sugar, black pepper, and green onion to taste.

Watermelon skin jam: 600 grams of watermelon skin, 100 grams of white sugar, a little lemon juice. Put the watermelon rind into the blender and add in the appropriate amount of water to break it; pour it into the pan, add sugar and lemon juice, mix well, boil it and turn it to a small fire until the water is dry and you can turn off the heat; dry it until warm and put it into the bottle or In the crisper, completely cool and seal it in the refrigerator. After 2 or 3 days, the sauce becomes thicker than before and you can eat it. When you eat it, use a clean, water-free spoon.

Cold watermelon rind: 400 grams of watermelon rind, soy sauce, sesame oil, vinegar, garlic, and sesame oil. Remove the red meat from the rind, cut the hard skin outside the rind, cut it into pieces, and put it in the container for a short time. The rind is poured out of salt water and seasoned.

Pork rind stewed ribs: 200 grams of watermelon rind, 200 grams of ribs, 2 slices of ginger, salt amount. Ribs are boiled with boiling water; pour the soup into the water, put the ribs and ginger, the fire boil, turn the simmer for 40 minutes; put the watermelon rind into the soup and turn the fire, boil, then turn the simmer for 20 minutes. , season with salt.

Orange juice lotus root watermelon rind: 250 grams of watermelon rind, lotus root 250 grams, orange juice, salt, sugar, a little different. The watermelon rind is cut into strips; the lotus root is cut into pieces and soaked in a cold water basin; the watermelon strips and scallions are simmered in a boiling water pot and drained; and the appropriate amount of orange juice, salt, and sugar are mixed well.

There are several types of people who should eat less

People with long oral ulcers: Because watermelon has a beneficial effect on urine, if patients with oral ulcers eat more watermelon, it will cause the body's water and some minerals to be discharged too much, it is easy to increase the symptoms of ulcers.

Patients with early colds: Chinese medicine divides colds into cold and windy. At the beginning of a cold, eating too many watermelons is likely to make the cold worse and cause the disease to worsen. If you have confirmed that it is a hot and cold cold, accompanied by high fever, thirst and other internal heat symptoms, you can eat a small amount of watermelon to help clear away heat and detoxification.

Indigestion and stomach Deficiency people: watermelon is cold food, indigestion and gastrointestinal Deficiency people eat more easily hurt the spleen and stomach, abdominal distention, diarrhea, urine and other symptoms.

Diabetic patients: Watermelon contains about 5% sugar. If a diabetic suffers too much watermelon in a short period of time, it can easily lead to a rise in blood sugar. When these people eat watermelon, they have to limit it, eat only 100 to 150 grams at a time, and eat slowly.

Pregnant women: Relatively inadequate insulin in pregnant women, the stability of the role of blood sugar decreased, if the watermelon eat too much, intake of excessive sugar, can cause high concentrations of sugar in the blood, unfavorable to health. In addition, pregnant women are relatively weak and eating more watermelon can easily damage the spleen and stomach.

People who are taking certain drugs: Watermelon is cool, and those who are taking warm Chinese medicine (such as ginseng and jaundice) will eat too much watermelon, which will affect their medicinal properties.

Older old people: People are old, most of them have the problem of cold spleen and stomach and poor heart and kidney function. Eating too much watermelon can easily cause spleen and stomach damage, causing physical discomfort and detriment to health.

The above introduced the healthy eating method of melon skin and hoped to bring you help!

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