Guangrui Bio-domestic high and excellent Elisa kit supplier rat platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) instructions duck interleukin 4elisa technology, (IL-4) elisa step instructions human estriol elisa technology, human E3/elisa step description person Apelin 12 (AP12) elisa kit Phaseolus agglutinin (PHA) elisa kit Heme oxygenase 1 elisa technology, rat HO-1/elisa Steps Description Angiopoietin 2 elisa technology, rat ANG-2/elisa Step-by-step instructions Aquaporin 1elisa procedure manual, human AQP-1elisa principle human enkephalin (ENK) elisa kit human collagenase Ielisa technology, human Collagenase I/elisa procedure instructions soluble leukocyte differentiation antigen 40 ligand elisa procedure instructions, rat sCD40 Lelisa principle Duck viral enteritis virus elisa technology, (DEV) elisa step description Rat insulin-like growth factor binding protein 3 (IGFBP-3) elisa kit porcine leptin elisa step-by-step instructions, pig LE Pelisa principle human vitamin D3 elisa technology, human VD3/elisa Steps Description Human soluble apoptosis-associated factor ligand (sFASL) elisa kit Man Lyme IgGelisa Step manual, human Lyme-IgGelisa principle Human beta-endorphin elisa technology, Human beta-EP/elisa Step Description Human keratinocyte growth factor elisa technology, human KGF/elisa procedure description Glycated hemoglobin A1celisa technology, rat GHbA1c/elisa procedure description Human Leptospira IgM (Lebtospira) elisa kit Human interleukin 11 (IL-11) elisa kit calculation : Take the concentration of the standard as the abscissa, OD as the ordinate, draw a standard curve on the coordinate paper, find the corresponding concentration from the standard curve according to the OD value of the sample, multiplied by the dilution factor, or use the standard Calculate the linear regression equation of the standard curve with the concentration and OD values. Substitute the OD value of the sample into the equation, calculate the sample concentration, and multiply the dilution factor, which is the actual concentration of the sample. (This picture is for reference only.) Kit Performance: 1. The correlation coefficient between the linear regression of the sample and the expected concentration is 0.95 or more. 2. Within the batch and batch should be less than 9% and 11% respectively Detection range: 15ng/L -400ng/L Storage conditions and validity period: 1. Kit preservation:; 2-8 °C. 2. Validity: 6 months