The carbon dioxide incubator is formed by simulating a growth environment similar to cells / tissues in the organism in the incubator, such as stable temperature (37 ° C), stable CO2 level (5%), and constant pH (pH value: 7.2) -7.4), a device with high relative humidity (95%) to culture cells / tissue in vitro. Widely used in the cultivation of cells, tissue culture and some special microorganisms, commonly used in cell dynamics research, collection of mammalian cell secretions, carcinogenic or toxicological effects of various physical and chemical factors, research and production of antigens, and cultivation Hybridoma cells produce antibodies, in vitro fertilization (IVF), stem cells, tissue engineering, drug screening and other research fields.
In living organisms, organisms have their own immune system to protect cells or tissues, but when cultured in vitro, they do not have any immune barrier to protect themselves. For the basic parameters of carbon dioxide incubator temperature, CO2 and humidity, most incubators can meet the needs of research experiments. However, the control methods and effects of different brands of oxygen incubators are different for various pollution sources faced during the cultivation process, so the biggest threat in cell culture in vitro is actually the pollution problem.
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