FRP adhesive-1
Component dosage /g
307# Polyester Resin (307#/Styrene=6.5/3.5) 100
Cyclohexanone peroxide/dibutyl phthalate (1:1) 3.5
Cobalt Benzoate: Styrene=1:9 3.5
Prepare and cure Proportioned polyester resin, add cyclohexanone peroxide after use, add cobalt benzoate after stirring evenly, stir evenly, cure at room temperature for 24 hours.
Use The glue is used for forming various glass steel products.
FRP adhesive-2
Component dosage /g component dosage /g
634# Epoxy 28 Styrene 30
3193 Polyester Resin 32 Benzoyl peroxide 2
Phthalic anhydride 8
Preparation and curing 634 #, 3193, phthalic anhydride co-dissolved, after cooling add styrene, then add a good mix of benzoyl peroxide and styrene, and then use 4 drops / kg of glue to add dimethyl aniline.
Cure 80+100°C/2h+120°C/2h+100°C/1h+180°C/4h. Warming 20°C/30min.
Use The glass fiber containing 50.8% of glue is made. The glue is used for the manufacture of glass steel.
Source: 21st Century Fine Chemicals Network